Friday 1 April 2011


Yesterday, we created a showcase for all of our Opening Sequences and got feedback for each others by filling in evaluation sheets which included things we thought were good about the opening, things they could improve and how well they showed the genre and audience for the film. Everyone's films weren't quite finished, this exercise was simply to help us understand ways in which we could improve our films and make them as good as we possibly could.

We had to stand up in front of our audience and say our films name, and our personal group had to explain that we hadn't yet added our sound to the movie as it is still being made.

After the audience had watched our opening everyone gave us our feedback. Most of it was generally positive, but a lot of people gave us really helpful constructive criticism which will help us vastly improve and make our opening more interesting to watch. For example someone said that they thought it was a little over edited that made it difficult to concentrate on the actual story line so we can change that and make our opening better.

The exercise was extremely helpful and we are now able to improve our work in the way in which the audience would like it. I would recommend this exercise, as it has helped us to see how other people view our opening and how we can improve it.

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